Disco Soupe

Solution: Prevent food waste through awarenessOwner: Disco SoupeCircular Strategy: Reduce.

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This organisation raises public awareness of food waste. Cooking sessions can be organised to create soups from unused items that would go to waste. The soups created are then distributed free of charge. 




Individuals can organise their own events from a toolkit provided on the website.

Potential circular economy impact

This organisation believes in fighting food waste by spreading awareness. It encourages healthy eating and following recipes that use up fruits and vegetables.

What’s involved?

People: Individuals to come together; everyone is free to organise their own Disco Soupe event.

Resources: Food that would otherwise be wasted.

Technology: Website; online poster.

Implementation: People in the community; information online; food that would otherwise be wasted.

More information

Disco Soupe website