Circular economy solutions

These innovative circular economy solutions have been implemented in England and France. We hope these case studies will inspire local authorities to launch similar initiatives in their area. 

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Tent and camping chairs

Online marketplace for rental of items.

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People in upcycled jackets

EXISTING is an upcycling brand that reimagines non-virgin materials to produce unique garments which have hidden and transformable features.

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blocks of wood on top of each other

Magasin des Matières sells recovered wood materials along with other discarded material.

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blocks of wood on top of each other

Atelier Extramuros creates custom-made office furniture from reclaimed materials and reclaimed wood.

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a book and three cup shaped materials on a bookshelf

This organisation creates furniture using industrial production surpluses.

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many concrete blocks next to each other

Minéka sells discontinued or surplus construction material which has been diverted from landfill.

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many concrete blocks beside each other

The Enviromate marketplace is where people connect with one and other to buy, sell and search for leftover building materials.